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NILMDTS Austin is in need of more volunteers! Please SHARE info about NILMDTS with your photographer friends!

If you have the right skill level for this tremendously important work, PLEASE consider volunteering!



"You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you." ― John Bunyan

"You make a living by what you get; you make a life by what you give."

When a photograph can mean the world to someone

Photographers, please join us for a free informational presentation on the tremendously rewarding opportunity of serving as a volunteer with Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep ( This incredible organization provides the gift of professional portraiture for families suffering the loss of a baby.

The Austin area is currently in great need of volunteers to provide this precious, irreplaceable gift. Come, join us for food and refreshment and learn more about Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. You don't have to become a volunteer if you attend this event. We just want you to come and see what a wonderful opportunity this is. (Please scroll down and register to's free!)


What: Informational Presentation - Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
Learn about volunteer opportunities or just learn more about this amazing organization.
Free Event
FREE PIZZA and refreshments provided to attendees!
Who: Presented by NILMDTS Austin Area Coordinator, Sandy Allen
All Photographers Are Invited
When: Thursday October 6, 2016 7:00 pm
Please let us know if you are coming by October 5th so we can ensure we have enough food!
Where: Kevin Gourley Photography Studio, 11740 Jollyville Rd. Suite 400
Click here for directions
Why: Learn about NILMDTS and volunteer opportunities

Space is limited.
Please register to attend. It's free.

Click Here to Register!


"As any of my Photography 101 Workshop students know, I very much believe it is important for us as photographers to use our talents in ways that can make a positive difference in this world. NILMDTS is an organization that has done so much good, and has impacted so many lives across the world."
- Kevin Gourley

I was once asked the question "When did my healing begin?" My first thought was to say "When I first looked at the images Sandy did of my son, Maddux." But I gave this question just an extra second of thought and I can honestly say, "For me, my healing began knowing a photographer had rearranged her schedule and was on her way to our hospital to photograph our last moments with our son Maddux."
- Cheryl Haggard, Co-Founder

Many thanks to the generous individuals who volunteered to bring food to the event to make this extra special.

This event is at Kevin Gourley Photography Studio / Kevin Gourley Photography Workshops, 11740 Jollyville Rd. Suite 400