Welcome to my blog for Kevin Gourley Photography Workshops! I love photography and I love helping people learn photography. I am Kevin Gourley. I have been fascinated with the art and science of photography for over 40 year. As a full time pro photographer with a studio in Austin, Texas, I not only teach photography, I also DO photography as my career. My experiences in photography both as my hobby and my profession have helped me grow deeper in my skills and I am happy to share what I’ve learned with others. Whether you are a beginner photographer just starting out, or you are a more advanced student, I look forward to helping you any way I can in all aspects of photography. Thank you for visiting my blog! I hope you’ll join us for some of my classes and group activities. Make sure you check out the rest of my website! http://www.kgphotoworkshops.com
Kevin Gourley
P.S. Want to know what my students say about my workshops? CLICK HERE
And check out my websites:
Kevin Gourley Photography Workshops Website:
Kevin Gourley Photography Studio Website: