In our Featured Photographer series, we highlight the work of our former and current students!
Your Name: Mary Burns
Type of Camera: Olympus OMD EM1
What do you love to photograph the most? I love photographing landscapes, sunrises, sunsets, wildlife – pretty much anything outdoors!! We travel to Rocky Mountain National Park 4-5 times a year and just can’t ever get enough of the total beauty of the area! With each visit I try to step out of my box and try new settings, new locations, wide angle, macro, pretty much just about anything goes!!! Our daughter and SIL are expecting their first baby (our first grandchild!) this summer so I’m now experimenting with newborn photography!!
What is one thing you have learned that has improved your photography? I’ve learned so much over the past couple years, quite a bit of technical info as well as creative info, from taking a class and doing a workshop with Kevin – best money ever spent, hands down!!! By taking his workshop and getting his one on one help every day during the workshop helps to ingrain the information learned to become more instinct than having to stop and think, “What am I doing and what do I need to do to get the best shot?” I’ve also learned it’s OK to make mistakes because that’s how we learn!!
Advice you’d give to others wanting to grow in their photography skills: My advice to other want to be photographers is to find that one person that makes learning the art of photography easy for you – for me it’s Kevin Gourley!! The other piece of advice I’d say would be to don’t limit yourself to one type of photography, branch out and explore all types – you may find there are multiple areas that interest you!!!