Using Adobe Lightroom to Edit a Nature / Landscape Scene

Hi friends!

Here’s a short video demonstrating the use of Adobe Lightroom CC to do some quick enhancements of a nature / landscape scene.

Also, I am considering adding another Adobe Lightroom Workshop at my studio in NW Austin on August 28, 29, 30, 31 2017 9am-Noon each day.  The price is $349 for 12 hours of very hands on instruction in a small group setting, teaching the use of Adobe Lightroom.

If you would like me to add the course, please let me know ASAP!   Click Here to let me know!

Now, here’s that video I was talking about:

Kevin's book "30 Practical Tips for Better Photographs" is available in print and on Kindle devices!

One thought on “Using Adobe Lightroom to Edit a Nature / Landscape Scene”

  1. Loved your suggestions, Kevin. I keep forgetting the “backslash” key to show the BEFORE image. Thanks for the reminder!

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